Our team

The craft research network is open and inclusive. Initiated by Judith Nyfeler and Jochem Kroezen to provide a space for organization scholars to present and receive feedback on their academic papers related to craft - as well as provide the opportunity for a (typically non-academic) craftsperson to present and discuss their work with academics - we rotate the organization and management of events among the research community instead of having a fixed leadership team. This has the benefit of creating something akin to an 'apprenticeship scheme': The current, temporary leader or 'master' supports the newcomer, thereby sharing knowledge and contributing to regeneration.

Anyone can get involved in organizing a session. Please reach out to the organizers of the most recent event to coordinate.

The website is currently maintained by Rene Wiedner, with financial support for web hosting provided by Warwick Business School. Please reach out to Rene if you have organized a craft studio session and would like an image of you to be displayed on this page.

Judith Nyfeler

Founder and event organizer

Jochem Kroezen

Founder and event organizer

Rene Wiedner

Website manager and event organizer

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